Friday, December 2, 2011


~ Better do you Cow Math, otherwise become Mad Cow
Excerpt from pro-BN blogger ~ Syed Akbar Ali's article
Bung Mukhtar Crosses Over?
RM76,000 Per Cow
............ RM250 million project, Government "soft loan" and 5,000 acres of land. Wow!
And only 3,289 cows were produced.
Lets do some kira-kira.
RM250 million / 3,289 lembu = RM76,000 per lembu (thus far).
If each lembu produces 200 kg of meat, that works out to RM380 per kg of meat.

Saya tahu, this is just a rule of thumb calculation.
But looking at it from the taxpayer's point of view,
the public has had RM250 million of their money (duit rakyat) squandered in a project that has yielded only 3,289 cows.
As the project stands today, the public has suffered RM76,000 per cow.
Those are very expensive cows!!

Folks I just spoke to a feedlot cow farmer.
The guy is laughing his head off about this National Feedlot Project.
Here is some quick information from this farmer :
Feedlot cows are bought when they are about 2 to 2 1/2 years old with a live body weight of about 300 kg.
After they arrive at the feedlot station, the cows are fed for three to four months where they should gain 25 kg of weight per month.
So say after four months of "feedlot" feeding, the cows reach a minimum live weight of 400 kg which is suitable for meat slaughter.
A 400 kg live cow should yield 50-55% meat.
The market price is now about RM8.00 per kg (of live weight cow).

2 to 2 1/2 year old cows can be sourced from Thailand for as low as RM2,000 per head.
This is considered a good price.
More expensive ones are imported from Australia.
However, the average price is about RM8.00 per kg for live weight cow.
So a 300 kg live weight cow will cost up to RM2,400.

After say four months feedlot feeding and reaching 400 kg weight,
the same cow would fetch a price of RM3,200.
This gives a gross margin in excess of 33% (which is not bad business).
Note: RM3,200 per Australia Cow VS RM76,000 per NFC Cow

The farmer I spoke to has a 14 acre farm where he raises 300 feedlot cows.
But his actual feedlot area is only 1.5 acres, to house and feed his 300 cows.
The remaining 12.5 acres are planted with grass ("Napier grass??) which are then harvested to feed the cows.

He says a feedlot cow needs only about 20 square feet of space each.
The guy says 30 square feet of space per feedlot cow is considered a luxury.
So even if you have 5,000 cows on your feedlot, you only need 5,000 cows x 30 sf = 150,000 square feet or less than 3.5 acres of space.

He says being a feedlot, you do not want your cows walking or running around too much.
They will not gain weight.
So what is the purpose of the 5,000 acres that was given to the National Feedlot Corporation?

The guy also said that 1 acre of land can grow enough "Napier" grass to feed 25 cows.
So if you grow Napier grass on 100 acres, that is sufficient to sustain 2,500 cows.
Going by this rule of thumb,
the 5,000 acres of land given to the National Feedlot Corporation can grow enough grass to sustain a population of 125,000 cows.
But the Auditor General's Report says 3,289 cows represents 41% of the desired target.
That means the feedlot's capacity was about 8,000 cows only.

Using the feedlot farmers numbers, 8,000 cows would only need 320 acres of grass land to sustain them.
So what was the purpose of giving the National Feedlot Corporation 5,000 acres of land?
5,000 acres of land is enough to create a substantial oil palm plantation.
Note: Feedlot area by other farmer : 14 acres farm land for 300 feedlot cows
Feedlot area by NFC : 5,000 acres farm land for 8,000 feedlot cows
So, it is 373 acres for 8,000 feedlot cows by other farmers VS 5,000 acres for 8,000 feedlot cows by NFC

Too many UMNO people and BN people are unhappy that something like this is being treated so casually.
They may not be saying much but they are not happy.
The public is even more unhappy.
Where is the Prime Minister's statement on this fiasco?
Dato Seri seems to be maintaining an elegant silence.
This is very disgraceful and if no action is taken, or heads chopped, it will cost the Government plenty of votes.
It cannot be "business as usual" like as though nothing has happened.

Speech by Lim Guan Eng whilst campaigning for the PAS candidate in the Tenang By-Election on 25th Jan 2011 at 8 pm:*

**Since the mainstream media is banned from publishing such news by the
govt, please do a bit of national service by forwarding this report to your
contacts on the net & ask them to repeat the process.

Just imagine the exponential power of disseminating news in this manner. If
one person sends out this message to 10 of his contacts and each of the 10
contacts in turn repeats this process of spreading the word around, by the
7th level, 1 million readers would have received the same message.*

*This is one simple & powerful way where we can spread the censored message
to the rakyat to bring about a change of govt for the good of the country**.

The 4 PR states RM25 billion investments have beaten the other **10 BN
states attracted 53% of Malaysia's total investments of** RM47.2 billion in
*The 4 PR states of Penang, Selangor, Kedah & Kelantan have beaten the
other 10 BN st
ates by attracting RM25 billion in investments comprising 53% of Malaysia's
total investments of RM47.2 billion in 2010. For the first time in history,
Penang is now the new champion of investments in Malaysia, coming out top
in 2010.

Penang replaced the previous 2009 champion Sarawak by recording RM 12.2
billion in 2010 as compared to Sarawak RM3.9 billion. Penang was No. 4 in
2009 with RM 2.1 billion but shot up 5 times to No.1. On the other hand
Sarawak went down from No.1 in 2009 with RM 8.5 billion to No. 4 with RM3.9
billion in 2010. Penang's success in drawing in RM12.2 billion is an
extraordinary vote of confidence by both foreign and local investors in the
PR state govt of Penang.

The No.2 state after Penang is another PR state of Selangor with RM 10.6
billion in investments. In fact the 4 PR states of Penang, Selangor, Kedah
and Kelantan combined comprise RM 25 billion investments or 53% of the
total investments in Malaysia of RM47,177 million in 2010. These 4 PR
states alone can beat the remainder 10 states of BN Malaysia combined!

Despite the financial constraints and limitations imposed by BN, PR have
shown our good governance. In Penang, we have excelled by being praised by
the Auditor-General Report for being the best financially managed state
with record surpluses of RM88 million in 2008 and RM77 million in 2009.
Penang became the first state govt in history to be commended by
Transparency International for CAT(Competency, Accountability &
Transparency) governance in establishing integrity in leadership.

We have wiped out hard-core poverty, the first state to do so in Malaysia.
We are giving senior citizens RM100 every year & when they die, their
beneficiaries a one-off RM1,000/-. All partially assisted schools of
Chinese,Tamil & Sekolah Agama Rakyat are given a fixed sum of at least
RM11.3 million every year. We are working towards a wifi state offered free
of charge.

Penang is going green and leading in green practices such as "No Free
Plastic Bag" campaigns and waste treatment through 3R of Reduce, Reuse
Recycle. Penang enjoys the cheapest water rates in the country. Penang is
also the Silicon Valley of Malaysia and selected as the most livable city
in Malaysia on par with KL. We have done more in 3 years what BN fail to do
in 51 years.**

So who says that PR can not govern. We may not have the experience but
neither do we have the experience to cheat or be corrupt. PR has proven
that a clean government can outperform corrupt govts. Voters of Tenang
should choose PR that offers a better future not only for you but for your

*PR is the better choice because we embrace the future. We embrace the
future by embracing each & every one of you whether Malays, Indians,
Chinese, Kadazans & Ibans as Malaysian brothers & sisters, Malaysian sons &
daughters. Let us grow together, learn together & enjoy the success

*Lim Guan Eng <>,
Penang Chief Minister &
DAP Secretary General

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Peaceful Assembly Bill


To put the Peaceful Assembly Bill (PAB) bluntly, the rights to assembly is determined 100% by the police on who and where can do what and when. Or to put it in a Malaysian way, if the police were to wonder around "doing their everyday job", all they have to do is simply approach a gang of people and ask if they have the appropriate "approval" or not. If no, then you better prepare some duit kopi or go to court and pay up to RM20,000.

Our Home Minister, Hishammuddin, in his speech, announced on public television 2 (maybe 3) days ago, that

"... dengan akta baru, awak kena faham, tak perlu permit pun! Perlu maklum saja kepada pihak berkuasa! Dan bukan tak ada sekatan kepada perhimpunan malah mereka membenarkan perhimpunan diadakan."

(... with the new law, you have to understand that the need for a permit is no longer needed! You just have to tell the right authorities only! There will be no roadblocks (I think this was what he was trying to say, because in BM, it says there is roadblock) and the assembly will also be approved.)

Sounds good right? But wait, there is a catch. According to Subsection 9(1), we must inform the right authorities 30 days prior to the event. By the way, Myanmar just gave out a similar assembly bill recently but it only requires 5 days (Kit Siang: M’sia lebih teruk dari Myanmar, FreeMalaysiaToday, 26 November 2011)! Furthermore, IF the person went against the 30 day rule, he is LIABLE to a fine of up to RM10,000 (Subsection 9(5)).

In lay men’s term, if you want to go shopping with a group of friends, you MUST inform the right authorities 30days in advance or if a police ever finds out that you did not notify them of your “assembly”, you WILL be liable to a fine of up to RM10,000.

Amazing, is it not? “Fortunately”, subsection 9(2)(b) allows us to have certain assemblies without having the need to inform the authorities. So maybe we actually CAN have SOME assemblies without notifying the authorities (Religious, funeral, wedding, open houses during festivities, family gatherings, family day and general meetings of societies or associations). But WAIT! Because according to the Right to Assemble Peaceably and Without Arms, there ARE still some terms and conditions that must be fulfilled!

(By the way, Arms as defined by this bill means firearm, ammunition, explosive, corrosive, injurious or obnovious substance, STICK, stone, or ANY WEAPON OR OBJECT, WHICH BY ITS NATURE CAN BE USED TO INCITE FEAR OR CAUSE INJURY TO PERSON, OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY.)

Apparently, according to subsection 4(1), if we were to ever hold an assembly that is allowed within the Third Schedule (lets say a funeral), but if your spouse or friend or family friend who is NOT a Malaysian citizen but also attended the funeral, then the organizer is liable to a fine of up to RM10,000.

More interestingly, family gatherings are (PAB is ambiguous in so many ways so please check it up and correct me on this part if I am wrong) constricted to FAMILIES ONLY (hence, FAMILY gathering. Outsiders in your family gathering will be deem an illegal assembly and NOT a family gathering unless given 30days notice)! Actually, to be more specific, it should be constricted to family members who are MALAYSIAN CITIZENS! So if one day you get caught in a family gathering because a non-family member (your maid for example) is there, you are liable to a fine of up to RM10,000.

Oh and one more thing, is your maid a Malaysian citizen? Hm...

To make matters even more laughable, EVERY CHINESE during their lunch or dinner with their family members (this is considered a family gathering) must all start eating with fork and spoon because Arms as defined by PAB include sticks. Then again, I am not sure if fork can be categorized under Arms because it does say that anything that can be used to incite fear or cause injury is considered Arms. What say you?

By the way, before I forget, assembly is defined as gatherings of the public, outdoors or indoors and it does not matter if the venue is ordinarily open to the public or if it is private venue. (WOW)

What this means is no more sleepovers, no more straight As celebration and yes, you cannot go to cyber cafes and play Call of Duty anymore with your friends. Especially for those under 21 because no one under 21 can assemble in relation to the organization of an assembly according to Subsection 4(1)(d). Tough being a Malaysian is it not? Fortunately the government was fair enough to allow everyone under 21 to not attend any school assemblies anymore unless the school actually gives the government a 30 day notice.

After much hoo-hahs about assemblies, lets go to where can we organize an assembly IF we ever want to assemble and granted that we CAN assemble. Well, according to subsection 4(1)(b) and the First Schedule, the prohibited places are within 50 metres from these places:

  1. Damns, reservoirs and water catchment areas
  2. Water treatment plants
  3. Electricity generating stations
  4. Petrol stations
  5. Hospitals
  6. Fire stations
  7. Airports
  8. Failways, I mean Railways
  9. Land public transport terminals
  10. Ports, canals, docks, wharves, piers, bridges and marinas
  11. Places of worship
  12. Kindergartens and schools

NOTE : Our forest and jungles are considered water catchment areas.

What this bill is trying to say is that although the Third Schedule allows us to attend religious assemblies, we are not allowed to do so in any places of worship. If you want to buy a new house, and if you ever want to have an open house for it, please do NOT buy a house that is within 50 metre radius of any schools, kindergartens, land public transport terminals including bus or taxi stands and also railways. Lastly, if the school EVER DOES give the police a 30 day notice that it would like to have a morning assembly, they CANNOT do it within 50 metre radius of any kindergartens and schools.

So what will happen if anyone ever does oppose the police because of their daily assembly? Imagine a group of aunties with lots of shopping items ranging from clothes to dining and/or kitchen wares (remember the chopstick story above?) to high heels. Technically according to PAB, they ARE carrying arms. The police officer (under subsection 21(2)), in exercising the power to disperse an assembly under this section, MAY USE ALL REASONABLE FORCE after...after...oh wait, NO WARNINGS NEEDED. This means that those aunties are subject to tear gas, water cannons, batons, bazookas and what not if the police thinks that they are “within reasonable force”.

OK! So when Najib said he was going to give birth to the BEST democracy in the world in Malaysia, I am pretty sure he means it with all his heart because this is seriously the BEST law in the world and is only suitable for the BEST democratic country. And when Hisham said "...malah mereka membenarkan perhimpunan diadakan", he too actually mean it with all his heart, just that we must fulfill some of his terms and conditions before we can have an assembly. By Monday, which is the third hearing, IF the law is passed, we can expect to see no more aunties in Malaysia and yes, Malaysia can indeed be more peaceful with the very peaceful Peaceful Assembly Bill.

*Note, I am not a lawyer nor have I studied law before, but if you ever have doubts in any of my explanations, go read it up yourself.

PAB can be gotten from :

**Credits to David Teoh for explaining some of the stuff and throwing in some of the jokes for this bill in Global Bersih Day yesterday**

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I do not want a choice. But can I?

Migration has existed since the existence of men because migration means going to a better place for these people to ensure survival. In modern times, the better place tends to be one that can provide better opportunities, safer environment for our kids and better (control of our own) future.

Of course, migration is not as simple now as ancient times. When the ancient people migrate, they migrate with their families, friends, clans, and/or even the entire population (the great Exodus for example, a slave population). There were no visas too by the way, unlike modern times. When the modern people migrate, they migrate more commonly by themselves or with their partner. Settling down at the new place, and tell themselves their pop and mom will be ok back in Malaysia because they can now afford to hire a maid to take care of them.

Why did I say that it is relatively easier for ancient people to migrate in large groups while it is harder for modern people to migrate in smaller groups (or even individually)?

Firstly, our roots are more established here. It is easy to say, "I want to migrate to Australia because the money there is better. I will have a better future there compared to Malaysia". However, when it comes right down to it, can you? Can you sign that piece of document that proclaims you a citizen of a different country without feeling ANYTHING at all? If there is just ONE thing I learn that is important throughout my life in Malaysia, it is that if my family and friends have NEVER abandoned me before, why must I be the one to take this first step?

Secondly, our responsibility. When we migrate, even if we can let go our attachments for our friends, can we let go our attachment to our family? Especially the elders in our family - our parents and our grandparents. Our elders have lived and stayed in Malaysia for their whole life. They have deeper roots here. Just because you want to live overseas for your own future, does not justify that they too want to move there. What are they going to do there? They have no friends to talk to. Some do not even know English to began with. What makes you think they will be happy there? I have a few friends that actually carried the fear EVERYDAY not knowing what could have happened to their parents when their children who are suppose to take care of them, are not there.

Thirdly, culture. When we are married and have kids, we want our kids to be safe and sound. We want them to grow up to be the fine gentleman or lady that society can look up to and children to make role model of. However, more importantly, and MOST importantly, we want them to have the amazing childhood that we had. The childhood where we can go outside our neighbour's house and pluck their mango(es) and run back home quickly after that. Or cycle around the neighbourhood and make friends with the Ah Lian or Ah Beng that will be their future partner or best friend. Or even playing badminton on the streets, while pausing the game every two minutes when a car passes by. Or maybe even football in the park, and get chased by dogs every once in awhile. This is what we want for our children, a fun childhood that they too can cherish just as much as we do for eternity.

Forth and last reason, it is my home. Enough said.

I am pretty sure everyone of you would have at least thought of at least one of these before you migrate. And yet, the World Bank has estimated about 1 million people to have migrated from Malaysia in this 40years or so. The pull factor from Malaysia just through these 4 reasons alone are generally strong enough to pull one home. However, many Malaysians still can afford to shut their feelings coldly and choose a different country to call home. Why?

The reason is simple. Although it is my home, my home unfortunately does not welcome me. It does not see me fit to be it's child because I am differently coloured and I behave differently from what it wants me to be. It does not love me, even though I work hard, day and night, to fight for my home for me to call it, my home. It is this very painful one sided love that we bear for our country, that we have no choice but to make painful life decisions that will scar our souls eternally.

When I asked an Australian, will you migrate? They all answered no.

When I asked a Thai, will you migrate? They too answered, no.

When I asked an Indonesian, will you migrate? Some answered, no.

But when I asked a Malaysian, will you migrate? Everyone said yes.

The three non-Malaysians answered no because home is home, and home will forever be home. But the typical Malaysian answered yes because they do not have a choice.

Everyone has a place to call home. But we do not. Everyone was born with love, fed upon them to make them feel belong. But we were born to make painful decisions, based on a one sided love that although will never die, must be kept deep inside our hearts for the rest of our lives.

I do not want a choice. I also do not want Australia or make painful life decisions. I only want Malaysia. But, fellow Malaysians, can we?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happenings in our beloved land, Malaysia

Written by an enlightened Malay (a market analyst)

The Malays Are Lost And Waylaid - At The Crossroads Of A Malay Dilemma

If you happen to travel around this country
, check on the statistics, especially the pasar malam, find out who runs the stalls and their businesses? Check out our beloved Chow Kit Road, and see who owns the thriving commerce? Or visit the Pudu wet market and see who is shouting for customers at 4am (even before the cock crows).

Half the businesses now are with the foreigners, another half with other races, the Malays only
have land titles left (especially reserve land of no value). All the GLC's are still in Malay hands, but not for long; otherwise all will be sold off in no time at all.
As a people, the Malays are not known for perseverance and enduring commitment.
They have no business acumen. Being entrepreunerial is a steep climb for the man and the Malays have no stamina to stomach the strains and stresses. I speak from experience. They are easily swayed by circumstances. Hook wined by politicians' play.

More than half our local workforce are pendatangs (Indons, Myanmars, Nepals, Vietnamese, Banglas!)
This country is not only bankrupt as said by Idris Jala, but also - telah dilelongkan. The poorer of the majority Malays left behind will become beggars and mat rempit, mat gian, mat ragut and mat dadah (they are all subsidized by our government funding to buy their No 1 drugs of escapism to run away from a harsh reality - Metadon).
Who culled their own Malay race?
Nobody but UMNO-BN itself! I rest my case.

Since 1960s esp. during Dr Mahathir rules,UMNO has effectively carried out the population engineering of our country to ensure its own long-term survival by creating the myth of a two-pronged “Ketuanan Melayu” strategy of mind control.
“Ketuanan Melayu” for the majority Malay masses who are lulled and
numbed into a feeling of being superior over the non-Malays because of
their demographic numbers; and “
Ketuanan Melayu” for the favoured
UMNOputra Malay political elites through the accumulation of massive
material wealth and power for themselves and their cronies. And while UMNO has failed by almost any measure you chose to gauge them – good governance, ethics or morality – without question they have succeeded too well in the social engineering exercise after the bloody race
riots of May 13, 1969.

The duplicity of UMNO in proclaiming 1Malaysia - Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara -while all the while undertaking a relentless program to
whittle down the numbers of the non-Malays through a very precise and
focused political initiative is breathtaking in its effectiveness!

Consider this -

In 1957:

– 45% of the population were Chinese
-- 12% of the population were Indians

In 2010:

– 25% of the population are Chinese
– 7% of the population are Indians

Over 600,000 Chinese and Indian Malaysians with red IC status were
rejected repeatedly
when applying for citizenship and possibly 60% of
them had passed away due to old age.

Since 1957:

-- 2 million Chinese have emigrated
– 0.5 million Indians have migrated
3 million Indonesians came over to Malaysia to become Malaysian
citizens with Bumiputra status
even if they stay less than 5 years.
(Nett gain 0.5 million and an additional of 3 million manufactured
Bumiputras like Muslim Indonesians
). The most famous is none other
than Mohd Khir Toyo who stayed for 20 years but became MB of Selangor.

In the not too distant future, I reckon Malay bumiputras may have to
worry about 2nd or 3rd generation Indonesian migrants, owing to the virtues of hard work and thrift taught by their parents, or
grandparents, would have surpassed the majority Malays in terms of
socio-economic progress.
Mohd Khir Toyo is smarter than most local-born Malays in terms of amassing his personal wealth at the shortest duration of time. Even Muhammad Muhammad Taib is no match for him. That's how smart Khir Toyo is.

Instead of teaching their people the virtues of hard work and
perseverance, the UMNO warlords are proclaiming Ketuanan Melayu to
feed off the Chinese minorities like parasites. If not for the Chinese taxpayers, the Malays will be sleeping the five footways. Of course the Chinese isn't a threat - they are just workaholics - they want to
create wealth and prosperity so much so that no failures of any kind
is going to stop them. Not even the ultra Malay racists spewing blood
in their eyes or frothing venom in their mouths. It is envisaged the
Chinese demographics will dwindle to stabilise at 4per cent of the
overall Malaysian population but their accumulated wealth and economic
power will continue to rise to more than 75per cent of the overall GDP
of the country. That’s proof enough how steady and influential the
Chinese economic stranglehold over the majority Malays will become;
and we believe racial hatred and resentment is well likely to remain
for the next 50 years. They work hard for the money but we envy them
in our idleness.

Whereas the Indonesian newcomers went out to work before you become
awake and they are not home yet when you call it a day and went to
bed. Will the majority Malays consider them a threat when they
deservedly find new wealth? The Indonesians respect the Chinese for
their business acumen and diligence. Do the Malays think likewise if
not indulge in unguarded jealousy and envy?

Now the non-Malays are well aware of this tinkering and engineering of
our population and it would do us Malays no good to say that it was
UMNO’s doing and that we had no hand in what happened at the end of
the day.
As a Malay I was then comfortable that UMNO was the dominant partner in the Barisan Nasional. It was indeed comforting to know that Malays controlled four of the five major banks. We were also in control of UMBC, MISC and Southern Bank – all previously owned by the Chinese. But seemingly the Chinese-owned Public Bank which is not in our control is moving ahead of the others still in economic prowess and competitive skills. What’s wrong with our control?


Between 1968 to 2000:

48 Chinese primary schools shut down
144 Indian primary schools closed
2637 Malay Primary Schools were built

Of the total government budget for these schools, 2.5% were for the
Chinese, 1% for the Indians and a whopping 96.5% for the Malay primary

The fact that 2637 Malay primary schools were built between 1968 to
2000 implied that the engineered process of retarding our majority
Malays or bumiputras is getting obvious. At the end of their school
lives, they have nowhere to go except to stay put in this country, as
like idiots they have nowhere else to go because everywhere they are
faced with a serious language problem
and a communication breakdown
with others. They will, like it or not, have to support the Ketuanan Melayu concept to survive for their freebies or welfare. The mentality is - No need to work and money will still come. Scions of the rich and wealthy UMNOputras will be educated overseas and return to continue to rule over their poorer local stupid cousins.

Petronas petrol stations?

Of the 2000 station the Malays owned 99%. Yes…we the Malays were
indeed in control. In control of what? We were in control of all the
business licenses and permits for Taxis and Approved Permits (APs

We were in control of Government contracts of which 95% were given to Malays.

We were in control of the rice trade through Bernas that bought over
80% of Chinese rice millers in Kedah. Even Robert Kuok aka Sugar King
was forced to sell his sugar franchise to UMNO crony interests so that the Malays are deemed to be in control of the sugar market; and the other essential basic items.

We were in control of bus companies. Throughout Malaysia, MARA buses
could be seen plying all the routes. Non-Malays were simply displaced by having their application for bus routes and for new buses rejected. Many local Chinese owned bus companies are already kaput in the urban centres.

Every new housing estate being built had a mosque or a surau. None, I
repeat “no” temples or churches were built for any housing estate even
if the majority residents are non Malays! We even blare the
loudspeakers in every mosque calling for Azan at maximum volume just so to tell the non Malays and non Muslims that we are in control!

So why with control over all these highly visible entities and
business opportunities are the majority Malays still unable to stand tall and with pride over and above the non-Malays? We are unable to so do because it was not the Malays that benefited from these opportunities - only the favoured UMNOputras enjoyed the benefits, and the poorer among the majority Malays were merely taken for a ride as their name were used by UMNO to hijack the national agenda. The Chinese bogeyman and the Malay hobbyhorse work wonders for UMNO to play one against the other in their evil scheme of Divide and Rule to suit their survival plan.

Why must UMNO constantly harped about the need to spoon-feed the
majority Malays – about Ketuanan Melayu when it is already in place
and about Bumiputra status and all the privileges and rights that goes
with that special status?

And as a Malay I want to ask the non-Malays why you still chose to
live in a country whose racist government
has by its actions and deeds
done whatever it could to make you not feel welcomed as a Pendatang?
The non-Malays I know have all told me the same thing –
Malaysia is
their country – they know of no other country they can call their own.
And so they stay and put up with the abuses and nonsense.

The difference now is that there are enough Malays who are ashamed by the nihilistic antics of this ultra racist Malay political
organization call UMNO. There are enough Malays to tell the non-Malays
that we feel your pain, too. We understand your frustrations and despair at not being treated as equals in a country you call your own.

You must remember that UMNO will never treat you as equals or partners in progress. They want eveything for themselves. If you are not happy you can get out. UMNO does not give a damn if you're a rocket
scientist or Albert Einstein Reborn.
If you are non Malay you are 2nd
class pendatang. Remember that well.

And enough non-Malays had migrated abroad to cause our country to
understand that their loss is another country’s gain. Singapore gained
the most. A loss, which our country can ill afford to sustain in the
long run.
Only dumb and stupid Malay leaders deny the causes.

And more important, all these groundswell of disgust and contempt at
UMNO has manifested itself in a way these political idiots cannot
understand – losing our votes in the 12th General Elections on 10
March 2008. Say Amen for that. Instead of seeking penance these racist
bastards scream for bloodshed and mayhem still.

And so we wait for the 13th General Election in 2011 which we hope
will dish out the relevant karma for UMNO and its lameduck Barisan
Nasional partners. The stooges and the parasites.

Meantime understand what they have done to us all –
not only the
non-Malays but also to the Malays and do not allow UMNO or Barisan
Nasional to play the race card and start their divide and rule antics on us anymore.

You are one with me and we are two.
United we stand divided we fall.
One for all and all for one - is our game plan.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Do you, remember?

I write this for my fellow Malaysians residing overseas or plan to reside overseas and do not intend to go back home. Please have a read. It's simple and short, but I know the message can be delivered.

Do you remember the first time you cried for something painful, the first time you cried for something joyful, your first hug, your first best friend, or even your first "it's going to be ok"?

Here's my answer. I do not remember. But you know what? I remember the times I cried for something painful. I remembered the times I cried for something joyful. I remember getting hugs from my family and friends. I remember all my best friends. And through all the miseries that I have gone through in my life, I remember hearing the words, "it's going to be ok".

Do you remember the feeling when you first enter primary school? Do you remember the feeling when you made your first friend there? Do you remember how it feels going home, telling your mom and dad how was school?

I remember I was scared of school. I remember pulling my mom's shirt and hid behind her back. I remember her smile, telling me "it's going to be ok". And under the shy and scared nature I portrayed physically, deep within myself, I remember how happy I was, to finally go to school. I don't remember my first friend there, but I remember who my friends were. I remember how it felt, going home telling my mom what I did in school. I remember how it felt, telling my dad which girl I thought was cute too.

Do you remember jumping into the river, and bathe in the cool gentle water under the hot blazing sun? Do you remember the first time you flew a kite, and had troubles with it? Do you remember the last time you went out with a friend, untill 2am in the morning, just to have supper?

I remember jumping into many cool gentle rivers, under many hot blazing suns, and would not come out until my mom shouts at me to. I remember struggling on how to fly the kite, and my dad told me, "不要 (it's going to be ok)", took out his fishing rod, and taught me how to fly it. I do not remember the last time I went out until 2am in the morning, just to have supper, because I remember, there were too many a time that I have done so.

Do you remember how you first cycled, fell down, and bled? Do you remember when, on those very hot afternoons, you go out and ask the pak cik,"Bang, cendol satu"? Do you remember on rainy days, when you were stuck outside and under the rain, with no umbrella or shelter nearby?

I remember falling down many times. I remember crying out loudly, and my neighbour took me in and gave me sweets to cheer me up. I remember after school, I will go to the front gate and meet my pak cik, and buy a bag of cendol to quench my thirst. I remember, many times when I was walking outside and it started to rain, I ran, and just kept running, telling myself, it's going to be ok.

These are my memories and feelings that grew from home. And basically, what I want to share, is that overtime as we grow older, we slowly forget these feelings and need to be reminded once in awhile. Overtime as we grow older, we start to run away from our feelings because the grass is greener on the other side. And overtime as we grow older, we start to ignore our feelings, and pursue more important things for our future.

But you know what? It's ok. It's going to be ok. If you can feel the way I feel, start asking yourselves. Do you remember home? Ask yourselves, do you remember your identity? And more importantly, ask yourselves. Do you, remember, Malaysia?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Not all Malays are to be blamed. Learn to stop accusing all of them.

"Perempuan Cina pelacur semua!" (All female Chinese are prostitutes)

"Pengkhianat negara, China DAN Malaysia" (Traitors! To both China and Malaysia)

"Cina komunis bangsat!" (Damn you Chinese communists!)



How do you feel? Disturbed? False accusation? Petrified? Anger?

These are the common insults that we Chinese in Malaysia are given. Similarly, from the Chinese,

"Balik kampung la babi" (Go back to the village pigs!)

"Malas! Bodoh! Tak guna! Tak boleh harap!" (Lazy! Stupid! Useless! Unreliable!)


Linking the 2 insults together, you'll see that none of these are applicable to you (for the MAJORITY of you, actually). Heck, most of these people that threw insults at the Chinese do not even know the meaning of chauvinist. They just use it because everybody is using it, and they just follow suit. Similarly, does the Malay bear any resemblance to pigs?

Most of the Chinese will say yes, because Malays are all lazy, dirty and useless.

But here's what you Chinese do not know. They are NOT ALL lazy, dirty and useless. Only some. Similarly, NOT ALL Chinese are prostitutes, traitors, communists and/or chauvinist!

The insults that put race as the SOLE contributing factor are purely unjustified. There are Malays that are capable in standing on their feet. Look at Anwar Ibrahim, he's a Malay. I do not know about the evil deeds that he has committed in the past, but having been sacked as the deputy PM, sent to jail, and rose back up to political power AND managed to strengthen the bonds between DAP and PAS (2 extremists that virtually cannot co-exist) is clearly not something the average man on the street could do.

How many of you ever have any friends of a different race, that can share, joke and laugh with you? There must at least be one in your life. If s/he can do these things with you, will you ever insult them for being their-own-negatively-portrayed-kind?

What I am trying to say here, is that not everyone is at fault for something that their race has portrayed negatively and strongly towards the public. We have to stop cursing each other, because these are just not who we are!

In fact, the Malays are already beginning to accept Chinese into their community. Compare today and 10 (or 20) years ago, although the racial tension was low, it was mainly because we merely tolerated, and we NEVER accepted. Today, racial tension is high, but you'll be surprise, we are getting more and more ACCEPTED. There are generally more cooperation between difference races in Malaysia today than last time. The racial tension is high only because the media, controlled by the government shares false news and accusations. Only pro-UMNO (or Umnoputras) will buy that and start causing more havoc around our neighbourhood!

For example, the dragging of the cow in front of the Hindu Temple in KL. That's not the Malays' fault! it's those Umnoputras fault!

Another example, the burning of churches. Hey,'s really obvious who's behind these ok.

To conclude, STOP accusing Malays! If you do, you are no different from Umnoputras because you, too are increasing racial tension. Again, not all Malay behaves that negatively! And no one likes to be insulted for who they are not. I know it's tough to suddenly just change your hatred. I admit that I too behave that way as well even today to a certain extent. But I am trying my best, and I hope we all can too, try out best, to stop segregating our brothers and sisters in Malaysia for being different.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Illegal-but-made-legal-robbery in our country

I would like to voice my opinions and frustrations against Dr. Mahathir’s comment on the Malaysian Insider titled “Ex-premier blames ‘extremists’ for increased race strife “on 12th September 2011.


A quick recap, Dr. Mahathir mentioned that the “extremists” from the three main races in Malaysia are making increasingly unwarranted demands. He gave one example, that non-Malays asked for Malay rights to be abolished.

He further gave a comment that all races must compromise with each other, and that not all demands from all races will be met (only 50%). Dr. Mahathir gave the example that the Chinese were given the right to continue studying Mandarin in vernacular schools.

Since he talked about language, let me first voice my frustration on our ex-PM’s distasteful comment.

Let me give you a story and let’s have a think of it to see if it is fair. There is a bag that can give any group $10 daily. Of that $10, 40% must be given away (as tax for example). EVERY GROUP is given a map to look for these bags (think of it as treasure hunting). Hence, these bags can be gotten if people actually try and look for it. From this story, who is benefitting and who is losing? Is this system fair?

Next, assume group Z has this bag, and they must give $4 (40% of $10) away as tax. Group A, B, and C that do not own this bag need not pay tax, but demands all groups that has this bag to share 30% of their profit with them. Even more so, because group A, B, and C are bigger than group Z, they made it a rule that only people from A, B, and C can have this special right.

So the mathematics goes like this. Group Z that has this bag earns $10/day, gives $4 as tax, leaving behind only $6. Of this $6, $1.80 must be given to groups A, B, and C as their special rights, leaving behind only $4.20 for group Z.

Every other group that has this bag must also give $1.80 to A, B, and C. Of that $1.80, 40% or equally, 72cents must go to tax and hence, A, B, and C gets $1.08 from every other group by just sitting there and implement more policies that favours them and announce to the world that this is a "fair" system.

HOWEVER, if group A, B, and C ever decides to look for the bag, they are allowed to enjoy a total profit of $6 in addition to the $1.08 gotten from other groups.

And now the question, who is benefitting and who is losing? Is this system fair?

What I aim to tell in this story, is that this miraculous bag, is our human capital such as knowledge and language. And that the map to this miraculous bag, is free education. China is now the world’s largest economy after America. Malaysia should be blessed to have people that possess the knowledge for Chinese culture and the Chinese language.

These are the major tools that can help link the Malaysian businesses with China strongly. The more amazing news about the Chinese language is that it does not stop in China, but can be branched out and further linked to the Singapore, Taiwan and even the Hong Kong economy! And just so you know Mr. ex-PM, even the ex-PM of Australia, Mr. Kevin Rudd, a white guy, is fluent in Mandarin and can score higher than me, a Chinese, anytime.

Let me share one more good news to all Malaysians. Our third main race is the Indian race and India too is booming rapidly. See how blessed our country is right now?

With such an unfair system, what makes you think that groups with the miraculous bag will want to remain in that economy when they can go elsewhere, and maintain their profit of $6? See how this relates to the brain drain problem?

And so my dearest ex-PM, judging from your message, are you saying that non-Malays must tolerate the Malay special rights, in exchange for them to gain more knowledge that can benefit the country? I find this logic very disturbing. What do you think? If you yourself choose to not find this bag, should not this be your problem? Why are the hardworkers punished in the end and the lazy A, B and C be rewarded? We are given the map, and we choose to find this bag. Implementing such unfair policies that favours such groups are pure illegal-but-made-legal-robbery in our country.

The principle of equality is basic human rights. Everybody deserves to be treated equally. Every developed nation demands in their law, that their citizens to be treated fair and just. No one is asked to behave differently.

If you, Dr. Mahathir, is so keen in maintaining the Malay special rights, do tell me, aside from the mass murder of the Jews, how are you different to Adolf Hitler when he demanded all Jews to behave differently and that Germans deserves to stand above them?

And for the Malays, if you are standing beside this man, go think whether if you are different to the Germans in WWII that sees Jews as the inferior race that they are, and hence do not need to be treated on equal grounds.

Lastly, for the Malays that chooses to stand strong and fight this temptation of having the easy way out, I want to thank you and if possible, personally. I pray that you will continue to live this spirit and spread it like a wild fire towards the whole nation and wake people like group A, B and Cs before they start to make every other group to leave the country in future.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A united Malaysia

Before going to the serious issues, I want to first talk about the recent Nasi Lemak 2.0 by Namewee (If you think it will be draggy, skip to the third paragraph). The song has inspired me deeply. I cried both in my house and in the public library everytime I listen to it (I believe, many others as well but maybe not until you cry). I have yet to watch the movie as I am currently residing overseas. However, according to the trailer and their theme video Rasa Sayang 2.0, although most of the actors inside are Chinese, and even the theme song is in Chinese (mostly), the Malay and Indian actors inside do portray a very united community, which really gives me hope in hoping that our beloved country Malaysia will one day be truly united and that all race will love each other as though their own.

I find the first sentence of the Rasa Sayang 2.0 lyrics most meaningful and would like to share it here before going into more serious issues.

我愛我的國家 有國才有家
wo ai wo de guo jia, you guo cai you jia
I love my country. With a country, I will have a home.
Saya cinta negaraku. Adalah negara, adalah rumahku.
(apologies to the Indians, I cannot speak Tamil. Kindly translate it for me if you ever see this)

Now for the more serious issue that I would like to bring up for discussion. What is it that brings upon a united nation? Language? Culture? Religion? I used to believe that language, culture and religion are whats important. I remember suggesting to my friends, and even strongly arguing that for a united country, we need to sacrifice something important. I remember telling them that if I were to ever to join politics, the first thing I will implement is to abolish Mandarin and Tamil altogether. This is to show we Chinese and Indians are sincere in becoming one with the Malays.

However, as I continued to live overseas and be more expose to a different environment filled with people of many languages, I realized, that it is not the main contributor towards a united people. Why do I say this? Look at Australia and America. These are countries that are filled with immigrants and hence, have many different languages and culture. In fact, schools in these 2 countries encourage their students to learn a different language, mainly French (no idea why), if they can. In Australia, students are encouraged to either pick up French or Bahasa Indonesia. Shocked? I sure was when I learnt of this.

Lets look at our closer neighbour, Singapore. Although the majority of the citizens there are Chinese, and the education they receive are mostly Chinese, the people there are more united than in Malaysia. Why? The Malays there maintains their mother language, Malay, by the way. The majority, Chinese, however, do not discriminate the Malays for learning a different language, which is very different from Malaysia where the Malay majority discriminate us for learning a different language. Bare this in mind, the Chinese in Singapore DO NOT learn Malay. Simultaneously, the Malays there DO NOT learn Chinese (except private classes - tuition - of course). But in Malaysia, although we learn Chinese and Tamil, we learn Malay as well.

So what is wrong here? Should not the Malays be grateful that we are learning Malay as well unlike Singapore? Besides, and as argued many times before, if we can learn 3,4 or 5 languages, then the Malays should be able to learn an extra language or 2 as well right? For those PJ and KL-lang (lang = people in hokkien), if you have EVER went to FOS (Factory Outlet Store) in the Curve back in 2005, you will notice that there was this Indian supervisor there that actually knows English, Malay, Mandarin, Hokkien and Cantonese. It is funny that he does not know Tamil, but that is besides the point. The point here is, he knows more languages than me and even beats me flat in "my own game" (Mandarin and Cantonese).

Of course, many people will argue and say Language is important for unity and will then throw other evidence tat me. I truly believe that language is important for unity, but it is NOT the main contributor for a united nation. For the sake of argument, I will put in the example of Thailand. The original Thais and Thai-Chinese are also more united than us Malaysians. Their education system is that EVERYTHING is in Thai. Hence, Thai-Chinese mostly DO NOT know Mandarin. I even asked my original-Thai friends,

"Who do you want to marry next time? Thai or Chinese Thai?"
28 year old reply,"What's the difference?"
24 year old reply,"As long as she's a REAL girl, can already".
(Insider joke, there are transexuals in Thailand and my friend is looking for a REAL girl)

I do not intend to base heavily my evidence on just this two's answer. However, if you ever compare this sort of answer to Malaysia, what are the chances that the Chinese and Indians will say something similar towards the Malay race? Again, bare in mind, all three race KNOWS Malay. From this example, we have a common denominator, language, and yet, the degree of unity is remarkably different.

Maybe it is because the Chinese and Indians knows an extra language, and hence the Malays feels left out sometimes. This type of answer is fairly common and I received it quite alot as well. The Malays do not know if we are discriminating them or not IN PUBLIC, IN FRONT of their face or behind their back. Let me shut this theory once and for all. The Chinese and Indian community are MORE united than the Malays themselves today (Umnoputras vs Neo-Malays). The Chinese do not know Tamil (see my lyrics translation on top? I do not know Tamil!!!) nor do most Indians know Mandarin. So here's my question, why are Chinese and Indians more united?

To conclude for this section, language is NOT the main contributor towards a united nation.

Next up,
Chinese - Chinese New Year (CNY)
Malay - Hari Raya (HR)
Indians - Deepavali

During CNY, I have invited my Malay friends and Indian friends to my house. Simultaneously, my Malay friends even invited me to their house during HR! Unfortunately, I have not celebrated Indian New Years before, but I look forward for future invites as I LOVE INDIAN CURRY!!! And you know what is best about our difference in culture? We get to eat LOTS of different yet AMAZING food! By the way, to those Chinese extremists out there, not all pork dishes are awesome. My family do not eat pork at HOME ever since I was young (different story-lah if we go restaurant). It is my family culture, and we still get to taste lots of amazing good food without traces of pork.

Hence, in terms of food and celebration culture, I believe EVERYONE is in favour for a diverse celebration! (Refer to my formula below if you find my explanation above draggy and has skipped many points)

Many culture = Many food = You can be unhappy-meh?

If that still does not convince you to believe my formula, then here is another formula for you.

Many culture = many celebrations = MANY HOLIDAYS! (still unhappy? go see a psychologist)

In fact, this is what makes Malaysia truly unique from others! I have westerner friends that are jealous of our culture. Why? Here's my holiday plan in Australia throughout the year, every year.

1. Summer - 3 months
2. Winter - 1 month
3. Chrismas - it's in summer, so no replacement holiday
4. One week off in mid-semesters (2 semesters a year) for us to catch up our studies, and hence it's not a holiday to me.

Still do not see why my Westerner friends are jealous? Here, let me explain it to you. IT IS DULL AND BORING! We have Dragon dance, they have summer and winter. We have ketupat and rendang, they have summer and winter. We have Thaipusam, they have...summer and winter, ok, maybe party and beer as well. For those that do not want to enjoy summer holiday, they go for summer school. Fun eh? (on a side note, do you now see why Westerners loves to party and beer? it is because, compared to us Malaysians, they have a dull culture!)

My point for all these, is that the difference in our culture has given me, at least in my point of view, a great amount of happiness. Given the chance to stay in Australia, or even go "back" to China like many Malays have cursed me to do so, my answer for you is this. I am Malaysian. Always will be, always have been, and so will my future generations be. I am happy to have Malay and Indian friends, because I can celebrate all sorts of celebration and eat lots of different food! In fact, I believe my Malay and Indian friends are also grateful to have known me or other Chinese because, similarly, they get to enjoy my culture. If you do not believe me, I dare you, go ask ALL oversea Malaysians.

1. What do you miss most aside from your family and friends?
2. Which food do you prefer?

You will find that despite our colour, language and culture, our answers are all the SAME. Hence, we have a common similarity. Shouldn't similarty equal unity?

Ok, maybe it is a different cultural point of view that makes us different. Dr. Mahathir once commented that the Chinese are too Greedy, the Malays are too lazy and the Indians cannot be trusted. It is sad, but this is true (67% of it at least in my opinion). However, I do not blame it on their culture. I blame this on the government. Through the NEP, the Malays have been favored heavily and hence many has gotten lazy. This is a fact. Prove me wrong. Throw me whatever, and if you even dare, then get ready for more counters by me.

The Chinese? Having a barrier in front of them, they meet only 2 options. Poverty and death OR survive. In order to survive and because we all love our family, the Chinese community has no choice but to work really hard for their future generations' sake. For example, being the eldest son in a Chinese family, I have witnessed my mom coming back home at 12am everynight, since young, EVEN on occasional Sundays and go to work at 8 or 9am in the morning the next day. As for my dad, the amount of SENTENCES we ever talk is lesser than 8 in a month. Why? Because he is always outstation.

Being the eldest in the family, I am my sibling's "parent". I treat my sister as my daughter sometimes. Looking for good tuitions, go to school on her report card day, call up her teachers to check on her progress and even send her to the hospital when she broke her hand! As for my brother, despite the fact that many of his teachers has already given up hope on his education, I remained one of the only person to harbour hope that he may one day graduate and pursue his dreams in drawing. Although the way I treated my brother was VERY VERY harsh, but that is because he is not disciplined enough most of the times.

I am not the only Chinese that has this harsh experience mind you. My grandmother that has worked in the rubber plantation for more than 55years, even told me she cried for several nights when her children are asleep because her eldest son (my beloved uncle) sacrificed his primary school education half way so that he can help lessen her burden, all for the sake that her other children, including my mom and my aunts and other uncles to at least graduate from secondary school and if possible, go to college, which unfortunately, my mom did not even qualify to get into.

Hence, with such a background, please tell me, how can we not want more money? The NEP does not favor any of us remember? We do not want money for the sake of wanting it, but so that our future generations will not have to suffer like the current generation. It is because we understand the meaning 苦 (bitter), which is why we do not wish this bitterness upon our loved ones. Furthermore, its not like we rob or steal from people. We work hard for it. Is it a crime to work hard? If it is so, tell me, under what article in the Malaysian law, that clearly states, you are not allowed to work hard?

For the Indians, I wish I can say much about them but unfortunately, I cannot. I cannot not because I hate them, but I just do not see how they are not trustworthy! My indian friends seems to be more trustworthy than some of my Chinese friends apparently. Maybe I am just blessed with good friends that are relatively more trustworthy than Dr. Mahathir's circle of Indian friends. Then again, this is entirely my point of view, so I could be wrong.

To put it simple, culture is not to be blamed here, but government policy's such as the NEP. I agree that we must help the poor Malays to stand on their feet, but such a move is only crippling them more. To make matters worse, it favors the rich Malays EVEN more because the policy applies to them as well. Furthermore, poor Chinese and Indian communities are helpless because the policy does not see them as deserving.

I want to point out that we Malaysians have respected each other's religion for many years now, until recently of course, because of dirty politics. Since 2006 till this year, I have been to Batu Caves to perform first aid. I remember the first time I went there, I heard Indian chanting a certain word towards their family members for support. Not knowing that it was forbidden to do so, I actually shouted chants beside a family to show support. Of course, many Indians then looked at me at most, angrily. No one cursed or threw anything at me. I was told later on of course about my inappropriate behaviour and have then stopped. The Indians in this story has showed that they were tolerant with me despite our differences. It is because we know we are different, we therefore grew to be more tolerant towards each other because not everyone celebrates the same culture.

I know that this is quite wrong for the Malay extremist, but there are also Malays that celebrates unofficial Christmas with me even and they do not see anything wrong with it. We merely exchange gifts and greeted each other out of respect because they know that we celebrate Christmas, and just want us to be happy on that joyful day. Simultaneously, we do not sing carols or preach the gospel in front of them because we know that they are Muslims. Hence, it is our unofficial Christmas.

During Puasa, I understand that it is unfair to be eating in front of Malays. But during breaks and lunch periods, we have our food in restaurants and canteens. It's not like we actually buy food, look for a Malay and eat in front of them. Furthermore, if we look at other multi-religious country, I will point at Indonesia because it is most similar to Malaysia, you will find that the Indons there do not really find other race eating during Puasa month much of a bother. Why? It is because they too have grown tolerant towards understanding our differences. I am sure most Malay feels the same way they do as well, especially the neo-Malays.

Hence, I dare say that religion is, like the 2 other factors, are not a major factor towards disunity. People might try and use religious wars between Christians and Muslims since ancient times against me. But let me ask you, these separate groups, do they coexist together or do they live in 2 separate countries? I believe most religious wars started because 2 different religions did not coexist together and hence people were more extemist back then. Look at China. You will be surprised, but there are in fact a large number of Chinese Muslim citizens. In terms of percentage, I could be wrong as I did not do much research on it, but the PERCENTAGE of Chinese Muslims may perhaps be LOWER than Malaysian Christians. Nonetheless, their number is higher and higher number means it is relatively easier for a single person to spark hatred amongst the community to divide the whole Chinese community altogether. However, they too are living peacefully, unlike in Malaysia today.

So what is it that creates disunity? I personally do not know if I have the right answer. Not much research have been done on this, and I can only speculate based on me and my friend's opinions. If you really want to know my point of view, it would be the government policies.

By the way, I do not blame NEP entirely, even though the NEP, by itself, has played a large propotion is separating us Malaysians. I blame largely on the government's FAILURE to promote effective policies. If the government can perhaps give incentives towards lets say children of mixed heritage, there will be more intermarriage between races and people will find that they can no longer point fingers at each other entirely for being different.

Furthermore, although Malaysia is a Muslim country, forcing Malays and other people that had once convert into Muslims to remain faithful to Islam is just a fallacy towards Islam and against human rights. Indonesians are not forced to become Muslims, and yet the majority of the population are Muslims. So why is the government so afraid of this to the extent that such policy must be heavily implemented? It only scares people into not blending together into 1 united community and hence, separate us all.

Perhaps one day, when the right policies are implemented, will we see if what I have said is true or not. Until then, no one will really know.